Alexandre Henriet

Informaticien de gestion avec 15 ans d'expérience professionnelle en développement applicatif orienté web, je suis spécialiste du language PHP et du framework Symfony.


Architecte PHP

Industrialisation PHP, sécurité, performances, scalabilité, intégration continue, audits de code, analyses techniques et fonctionnelles, estimations de charge, suivi de projets, méthodologie SCRUM, assessments techniques dans le cadre de recrutements, coaching développeurs, formation clients.

Développement PHP et Web

LAMP, PHP, Symfony, Zend Framework, Doctrine, Twig, Orienté Objet, Design Patterns, tests unitaires et fonctionnels, PHPUnit, Behat, debugging/profiling, PHPStorm, Netbeans, Eclipse, SVN (Subversion), GIT, Composer, modélisation de bases de données, SQL, MySQL Workbench, MySQL Proxy, expressions régulières, rewrite rules, Web services, SOAP, REST, SoapUI, Wireshark, XML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS frameworks, Javascript, AJAX, JQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, standards du W3C.

Systèmes de gestion de contenu

eZ Publish, Drupal, Wordpress, Mediawiki, Dokuwiki, installation, configuration, customization.

Administration Linux

GNU/Linux (Red hat, Centos, Debian, Gentoo, Ubuntu), Freebsd, Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Memcached, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Vsftpd, Samba, Postfix, Iptables, Packet filter, Nagios, Zabbix, Bash scripting, Vim, Ansible, Puppet.

Autres technologies

Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Java, SpringMVC, JPA/Hibernate, Perl, ...


Baele Pieter, Architecte Linux et Sécurité à ICTRA, Groupe SNCB

Alexandre is technically very strong in both FOSS technologies (Linux and related) and development in different programming languages. His applications are always nicely themed and created with good code practices and architecture in mind. This is one of the main reasons why Alexandre is a good colleague to bring dev and ops closer together.

Slock Bart, Architecte Middleware à ICTRA, Groupe SNCB

Alexandre really was an added value to our team. He's very professional, eager to learn and try new things and comes up with interesting ideas and propositions to improve existing applications and work methods. It was a pleasure to have him in our team, also because he likes to participate in a good atmosphere!

Geert Beukeleirs, Chef de projet à ICTRA, Groupe SNCB

Alex has been delivering services on several of the projects carried out in my development team. I experienced Alex as a valued contributor to the projects. His knowledge and professional attitude, together with his ability to react and evaluate differents situations, help me to achieve my goals and targets. Alex is a person you can trust and build upon so I call upon his services very often knowing that I will have my information within high standards and within the deadline imposed. No doubt I would love to have him in my team as a direct report.

Patrick Allaert, Architecte PHP à ICTRA, Groupe SNCB

Alexandre is a developer I highly appreciate for the quality of his work and the impressive productivity he achieves. He works hard to keep many factors into account like security, performance, maintainability, readability,... During analysis and development he also has proven many times to provide great ideas without drifting from the actual scope.

Olivier Garcia, Architecte PHP à ICTRA, Groupe SNCB

Alexandre has a broad skill set and brings a lot to our team of architects. Rigorous, calm, producing quality work and always up to the task, it is a pleasure to work with him.


Date Nom Formateur
2016 HTML5, CSS3 RealDolmen
2015 PHP ORM - Doctrine RealDolmen
2015 PHP Symfony2 Advanced RealDolmen
2013 Symfony2 : Level 2 SensioLabs
2013 Symfony2 : Level 1 SensioLabs
2012 Agile, Scrum RealDolmen
2012 Concepts of Services-Oriented Architecture RealDolmen
2009 MySQL Developer MySQL AB
2009 MySQL Administrator MySQL AB
2008 Zend : Zend Framework Ausy
2007 Zend : PHP Higher structure Ausy
2007 Zend : PHP basics Ausy


Capacité d'adaptation, autonome, rigoureux, proactif, esprit d'équipe.


Vous avez pu me croiser en Belgique, en France et aux Pays-bas à l'occasion d'événements tels que : Dutch PHP Conference, PHP Tour Lille, FOSDEM, Les jeudis du libre de Mons et Bruxelles, Betagroup, Wordcamp, BeZend, ApéroPHP Lille et Bruxelles, réunions Loligrub, PHPBenelux et CPUMons.